Future Pavilion - Demo area

Date: 16 October 10:45 - 17:00 (available all day, free entrance)

Location: Evoluon restaurant

What to expect

Emerging technologies always need a continuous flow of fundamental and applied research initiatives to keep fuelling the start of the innovation funnel (with lower level TRL project). The Dutch integrated photonics ecosystem has historically been on the forefront of integrated photonics research and to continue to stay ahead by executing projects that will push integrated photonics technology forward.

Some exciting projects will show their progress and plans with demo’s, posters and video animation. Discover our exciting projects and visit our pavilion: ‘Future Pavilion - Demo area’ subsidized with National Growth Fund means and learn more about this dynamic field that is shaping the future of integrated photonics technology.

Additionally, it serves as an excellent platform for networking, offering the chance to connect with the researchers and discuss the outlook of the future.

Practical details

Date: Wednesday 16 October 2024 

Time: 10:45 - 17:00 (available all day, free entrance for all PIC Summit Europe guests)

Location: Evoluon restaurant


For practical questions please contact Anita Pichaud via anita@photondelta.com