PIC Summit Europe is the most influential event in the photonic chip industry. Taking place 15-16 October 2024 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, PIC Summit Europe attracts the leading lights from across the photonic chip industry.

PIC Summit Europe theme: Fading Boundaries

The big societal challenges, such as mobility, energy, climate change, zero hunger, science and innovation, and health, are becoming more technology-dependent, driving industry to develop more efficient, more affordable, and better-performing solutions. The co-evolution of Photonic and Electronic Integrated Circuits moves towards ever closer integration towards chips where photonic and electronic technologies seemingly fuse.

The increasing complexity and needed investments in these technologies require collaboration, transcending national interests. Hence the boundaries between photonic and electronic technologies, between academics and industry, and between companies in the value chain, from material suppliers to end-users.

Organised by PhotonDelta

PIC Summit Europe is organised and hosted by PhotonDelta. PhotonDelta is a non-profit organisation supporting an end-to-end value chain in the Netherlands for photonic chips that designs, develops, and manufactures innovative solutions that contribute to a better world. The foundation creates global awareness and promotes the benefits and potential of the Dutch photonic chip industry and its technologies. PhotonDelta is committed to facilitating the growth of startups, creating new photonic chip applications, developing infrastructure and talent.