Full Name
Abdul Rahim
Job Title
Ecosystem Manager
Photon Delta
Company website
Speaker Bio
Abdul Rahim received a master's degree in electrical engineering with an emphasis on Photonics in 2008 from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Ghent University, Belgium. In 2014, he earned his PhD from Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany, where his research focused on silicon photonics. He has received training in innovation management from HEC Paris.
Abdul Rahim has held research positions at Larid Technologies in Sweden, The Institute National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in Canada, and the Photonic Research Group of Ghent University - imec in Belgium. From 2015 to 2024, Abdul Rahim managed ePIXfab - the European silicon photonics alliance and led to its transformation into a sustainable open alliance to promote silicon photonics science, technology, and application.
Since February 2024, Dr Abdul Rahim has been the Ecosystem Manager at PhotonDelta - a growth accelerator for integrated photonics. In this role, he focuses on strengthening the PhotonDelta ecosystem through ecosystem development, fostering collaboration between the ecosystem partners, tracking the technology trends, and aligning the PhotonDelta ecosystem with the market needs.
Abdul Rahim