Full Name
Eelko Brinkhoff
Job Title
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Speaker Bio
Eelko Brinkhoff has been working for 25 years in economic development before joining PhotonDelta in February 2024. In his previous role as Managing Director Internationalisation at the Brabant Development Agency (BOM) he gained a lot of experience and knowledge in the field of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), internationalisation of SME's, innovation cooperation and economic development. He has built a strong network in the Netherlands and abroad towards business, government, knowledge institutes and universities. In his role as CEO of PhotonDelta the challenge is to mature the organisation after a period of rapid growth and to become an internationally recognised accelerator for the photonic chip industry. PhotoDelta plays a key role in making the integrated photonics ecosystem indispensable for the goals and challenges that we face today. Photonic chips will become critical in various applications such as quantum computing, robotics, sustainable agriculture and autonomous driving. PhotonDelta as a Dutch world leading ecosystem will be a driving force to make this happen.
Eelko Brinkhoff