Hybrid Integrated Narrow-Linewidth Laser Source for Long-Range FMCW LiDAR Applications
Denis Ganin
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
2:40 PM - 2:45 PM
Location Name
Location: Philips Hall

Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) are transforming how we address the challenge of safe, reliable autonomous mobility. Traditional LiDAR systems face scalability, cost, and performance issues. Scantinel Photonics is solving these challenges with a groundbreaking innovation: a hybrid integrated laser source on a PIC designed for long-range automotive LiDAR.
This compact, energy-efficient solution provides superior optical performance with a narrow linewidth and high modulation linearity. As a key component in our roadmap, this laser source paves the way for future PIC advancements, including enhanced functionality integration and closer photonics-electronics convergence, revolutionizing autonomous sensing technologies, much like integrated circuits revolutionized electronics.